Clarity • camp
Getting to the Point is the Hideaway Point blog. It is the place where we share our larger vision for this special place - what inspires us, what we value and the hopes and dreams we have for Hideaway Point.
Every year I spend a week serving as camp mum on Ponui Island. The pace and schedule of high school summer camp is not slow, but it’s where my brain slows down and I get the most clarity and direction - and that is curious to me. How can my brain feel at peace with so much going on around me?
I leave camp wanting more and spend time trying to figure out how to make “real life” feel more like “camp life”. We hope that Hideaway Point will be a place where people create space and gain the same kind of clarity.
We believe in the power of retreat and would love to help you imagine what time away at Hideaway Point could look like for you and your family, community, organization or business. Let us know how we can help.